Read John 14:12-14
Jesus said that we would do “greater things” than he did. Wow! What a promise!
Ready to claim it? Here are a few steps, recommended by Maxie Dunnan, with a few additions by myself.
I suggest that if you rehearse these steps for 21 day (the length of time for a new behavior to become habit) that maybe that will better prepare you to have the faith to claim this incredible promise.
Affirm: “I am MORE than I think I am!”
Here’s a prayer to engage in daily – often each day – to help you with this affirmation:
“God, help me believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is.”
Affirm” “There Is Something I Can Be and Do (but only in Christ)
Here’s an important truth to remember in regards to this affirmation: “Jesus gave his life for me, to put his life in me, to live his life through me.”
Affirm: “Father gives us the Holy Spirit & power to do His will!”
So often we face the new day worried about what it will bring us. Maybe we ought start each day with the prayerful question: “Lord, what do you want me to do today?”