
Posts Tagged life

Lenten Intentions: Life After Life After Death

Life After Life After Death In this post you can watch the video and/or read the sermon notes for the sermon titled: “Life After Life After Death” preached at the Patterson Avenue Baptist Church.  This is a part of the “Lenten Intentions” sermon series. Text:  John 11:1-45 (NIV) 17 On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus […]



The sermon from October 4, 2015, at The Patterson Avenue Baptist Church is included in this blog post (both the video and the manuscript).   The sermon is titled:  “Improvisation” and is based on Jesus words recorded in Mark 10:13-18 The sermon includes a joke told by daughter Michelle Nieporte, as well as our positive […]


Touring The Cemetery (Video Sermon)

The sermon below was preached on April 6, 2014, by Dr. Bill Nieporte, at the Patterson Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond, VA.  You can watch the video  below.  You may also visit the church website at to watch this video, listen to the MP3, and  subscribe to our weekly podcast. Whenever you visit a blog, be […]


When Your Life Passes Before Your Eyes

When Your Life Passes Before Your Eyes “Have you ever been in one of those situations where it seemed like your life has passed before your eyes?”  That FEELING is one of doom and dread, darkness and despair – the fear that the end is near.  We explored this idea on the First Sunday of […]


A Process of Living – Luke 18:1-8 (Video & Manuscript Sermon)

A Process of Living  This sermon was preached at the Patterson Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia, on October 20, 2013. Included below the video is the biblical text, as well as the manuscript for the sermon. Luke 18:1-8  Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and […]


The Process of Living

Remember my friend Argy?  (I referenced him a couple of posts ago – you can find that blog post here.) Upon finding her was terminally ill with cancer, he said:   “I am not afraid of being dead–but I am afraid of the process of dying.” I thought for a moment, then said:  “Argy, instead of […]


Not Enough

We really don’t get it very often!  We really don’t get Jesus! We think Jesus was just some sort of event planner for our religious amusement. We think Jesus is just some guy we turn to for some sort of religious experiences. If that’s how we see Jesus, that’s just NOT ENOUGH! Jesus claimed to be much […]



God What do you see when you  look in the mirror? The apostle Paul tells us that what we see in the mirror is  not what we really are – we see only a poor reflection of ourselves. But God,  on the other hand, sees us perfectly – and very differently from the way we […]


Alive In Christ

Here is the sermon from Patterson Avenue Baptist, dated on July 31, based on Collossians 1 & 2, with special focus on 2:6-14. The though behind this sermon is simply this:  “We are not called to live for Christ.  It it so much better than this.  We are ALIVE IN CHRIST – and our lifestyles […]


Running and Running – May 15, 2011, Audio from Patterson Avenue Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia

We spend most of our day “Running and Running and Running” with no real destination in mind.  (Or, if we are lucky, like the fellow in my picture, we are skating) – but no matter HOW we are moving, we usually don’t know where we are going.  If we did, it probably wouldn’t help much, […]