The 2/27/11 sermon preached at The Patterson Avenue Baptist Church is titled: “An Extended Warranty on Life!” It is based on Matthew 6:24-34.
I owe gratitude to the good people at “The Adopted Life!” whose commentary helped inspire the message. Also owe some thanks to the guy who sold me our new car! You’ll know why when you listen to the sermon.
If you have ever found yourself sorry worry-ridden that you couldn’t get to sleep, or woke up way to early, or perhaps suffered from a fair amount of inddigestion – this might be a good sermon to listen too.
It’s pretty much a confessional sermon. I have to admit that sometimes I am a worry-wort and suffer from a fair amount of unecessary anxiety. Based on the reaction from my parish, I don’t think I am alone.
You can listen to the sermon right not when you click this link: “An Exended Warrenty on Life!”