Starting July 29 and continuing into September, I am preaching a series of sermons through John 6.
We will be exploring God’s grace revealed in Jesus and asking whether GRACE is enough.
John 6 is a pivotal point in Jesus ministry in John’s Gospel – both in terms of actions and teachings:
The Feeding Story of John 1:1-15
Jesus Walks on Water in John 6:16-21
Jesus Identifies Himself as the Bread of Life (and turns the crowds away) in John 6:22-ff)
It is a chapter rich in symbolism, concrete teaching, and prophetc challenge.
On July 29 the text was from John 6:1-15 and the sermon can be viewed by clicking this link NOW. The title for the sermon is Enough!
My next day in the pulpit will be August 12 and the sermon title will be “More Than Enough” and the text will be John 6:12; 24-35