
Posts Tagged church

Dealing With Sin(S)

The work of Christ  was aimed toward humankinds universal brokenness…not simply toward some laundry list of “sinS” that usually includes everything we don’t do (or hide the fact that we do). The cross aims toward our “SIN” (no ‘S’ at the end of the word). Those who make is a laundry list of “sinS” ARE (biblically) redefining […]


Recent Sermons at Patterson Avenue Baptist

This page contaings links to watch the three recent sermons preached at the Patterson Avenue Baptist Church. Sermon # 1 was preached on November 11, 2012 by myself (Bill Nieporte).  The titled for the sermons is “How Much More.” Jesus refers the love human parents have for their children. We know not to give a scorpion […]


Courage For the Small Church Pastor

Here’s the truth – at least as I’m living it right now.  We had 58 people in church last Sunday and we were thrilled!  We had a great worship experience.  God’s Spirit was present in a mighty way.  We announced plans  to give Thanksgiving meals to the hungry.  We reminded everyone about the potluck dinner […]


Where Are The Clowns?

This post was inspired by a portion of Dr. Bill Leonard’s book “Word of God Across the Ages.”  I borrow from it extensively so I want to give him credit up-front, in case I miss something in the content. I missed Jerry Lewis this past LABOR DAY.  As far back as i am able to […]


Have You Ever Been Tired?

Do you remember the movie, El Cid?  Charlton Heston, in the title role, led a Spanish army in a series of battles against the invading Moors.  Just before the climatic “mother of all battles”, he was mortally wounded.   He was so badly hurt that he would be unable to lead his troops into battle.  Knowing […]


What’s Happening In The Church

A church in my community recently fired its pastor.  It was a small number of folks who spearheaded the effort.  It’s a big church – or it was.  One hundred families have left that congregation since this action. Another congregation has lost significant numbers because a conflict between a Senior Pastor and his staff resulted […]


How Does Your Church See Itself?

One Sabbath, while traveling through Philippi, Paul happened upon several women who were worshipping God near a river.  One of them, a woman named Lydia, opened her heart to what Paul had to say concerning Christ.  She responded to his message and was baptized.  Then she went home and told her family what she learned.  […]


Live At Peace With Others

Yesterday I posted a blog about the ONEness of God.  It spoke about the experience of relationship within the Trinity.  Today I feel inspired to write a bit about the implications of God’s ONEness (unity of the Godhead) and what that might say about our experience of relationship with one another as human beings under […]