
Posts Tagged peace

Holy Monday, Temple Cleansinng, and Violence

Holy Monday Reflection Today is often referred to as HOLY MONDAY.  It is the day after Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  It is the Monday before the LAST SUPPER…before Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion. This is the day that Jesus cleansed the temple.  Here is how The Gospel of Mark recounts this incident Mark 11:15-19 […]


The People Mover

This post contains the sermon preaching on December 20, 2015, at The Patterson Avenue Baptist Church.  The sermon is titled:  “The People Mover” and is based on Mary’s song found in Luke 1:46-57. You can see the video read the manuscript below. There are several links on this page to make such SHARING much easier. If the […]


Weep With Those Who Weep

Shortly after beginning my pastoral ministry in my first congregation, Jean, the chair of the Search Committee who had brought me to that church approached me in a fit of rage.  She was angry that I had forgot to observe some congregational tradition that I knew nothing about.  As she spoke, her face turn bright […]


Surviving Unhappiness – Second Sunday in Advent

Here’s the sermon  video for the sermon preached on the Second Sunday of Advent (Peace) on December 7, 2014, at the Patterson Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond, VA. You can watch the video below.  A podcast can be downloaded at the church website:  Patterson Avenue Baptist Church The sermon is titled:  “Surviving Unhappiness.”  In addition to the video, the manuscript […]


Find Peace

When I began preparing this sermon, I gave it the titled:  FINDING PEACE.   The thought was that the text (John 20:19-31) offered clues for our fearful and distraught people could find peace in Jesus Christ.  The problem was that this approach to the text made peace a commodity of sorts – something that we had […]


Light a Candle – Video Sermon

Do you remember the “Hee-Haw” variety show? One of my favorite scenes each week was when a couple of fellows in a field started to sing: “Gloom, despair, and agony on me – Deep dark depression, excessive misery. “If it weren’t for bad luck – “I’d have no luck at all, “Gloom, depair, and agony […]



For a time I worked as a Summer Youth Ministries Intern in Palatka, Florida.  The church was rather large, but Palatka was small.  It was location off Route 17 about an hour north of Deland, Florida, where I was a student at Stetson University. As I made the trek from Deland to Palatka a few […]


Live At Peace With Others

Yesterday I posted a blog about the ONEness of God.  It spoke about the experience of relationship within the Trinity.  Today I feel inspired to write a bit about the implications of God’s ONEness (unity of the Godhead) and what that might say about our experience of relationship with one another as human beings under […]