
Posts Tagged religion

I am done with movements

I am done with movements… with charismatic movements, back to the bible movements, moderate movements, conservative resurgence movements, anti-institutional church movements, liberal church movements, liberation movements, grace movements, restoration of the church movements, finished work movements, Trinitarian movements, morality movements, Jesus movements, spiritual renewal movements, THE KEY WORLD I AM DONE WITH IS MOVEMENTS Movements […]


Religion Addiction

Religion Addiction Scripture Lesson: John 3:1-17 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing […]


Painting The Stars

“When I have a terrible need of – dare I say, ‘religion’? – then I go outside at night and paint the stars.” – Vincent Van Gogh Van Gogh’s quote serves as inspiration for the title of a new educational DVD/video series, titled:  “Painting the Stars: Science, Religion and Evolving Faith.” (Disclosure:  I received this […]


Question: “Who Gave You The Right…?”

Here are some more “stupid questions” If you mated a bull dog and a shitsu, would it be called a bulls***? Why is Grape Nuts cereal called that, when it contains neither grapes, nor nuts? If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him? Why is it called a […]


Robert Farrar Capon On Religion

What role have I left for religion? None. And I have left none because the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ leaves none. Christianity is not a religion; it is the announcement of the end of religion. Religion consists of all the things (believing, behaving, worshiping, sacrificing) the human race has ever thought […]


Have You Been Raised Right?

I’m Just Saying… I was recently introduced to a book by Ferrol Sams titled The Whisper of the River.  It is a story about a young boy, reared in Georgia, as a part of the Southern Baptist tradition.  In the book Sam speaks about being “Raised Right.” He says:  The child who had been Raised […]