
Posts Tagged salvation

Would You Be Mine, Could You Be Mine, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

The sermon video below is from the July 14, 2013 worship gathering of the Patterson Avenue Baptist Church.  Immediately below the video you’ll find the manuscript of the sermon. Would You Be Mine, Could You Be Mine, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Luke 10:25-37 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to […]


Welcome To The Dance

The Fathers of the church spoke of the perichorietic nature of the Trinity. Perichoresis literally means “to dance around.” The Father, Eternal Son, and the Holy Spirit are contantly moving around, toward one another, in a beautiful dance of love, mutual submission, relationship, and intimacy.  Inside that circle there is wholeness, Oneness, union, and eternal […]


“The Extent and Efficacy of the Life and Work of Jesus Christ” by James Fowler (Book Review)

It was revival week at the First Baptist Church of my hometown.  The sanctuary was filled to capacity as a rather well-known preacher brought the series of sermons for the week. He spoke of truth (in scripture) using a pithy little phrase:  “God Said It!  I Believe It!  That Settles It!”   The following week, […]


The Faith of Christ, by C. Baxter Kruger

The following article was brought to my attention by Steve McVey on his blog site.   It addresses well an issue in biblical interpretation which, when understood, takes all the responsibility for salvation (including that for faith) off of YOU and ME, and places it on the only one who could actually make it happen, namely […]


What Are You Worth?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, the typical human body is made up of the following chemicals: • 65% Oxygen • 18% Carbon • 10% Hydrogen • 3% Nitrogen • 1.5% Calcium • 1% Phosphorous • 0.35% Potassium • 0.25% Sulfur • 0.15% Sodium • 0.15% Chlorine • 0.05% Magnesium • 0.0004% […]


Quick Quote: Thomas Torrance On Salvation

“To know this God, who both condescends to share all that we are and makes us share in all that He is in Jesus Christ, is to be lifted up in His Spirit to share in God’s own self-knowing and self-loving until we are enabled to apprehend Him in some real measure in Himself beyond […]


Divine Love Is More Than An Attribute – by Steve McVey

There are a couple of blogs that are “must-reads” for me.  Of this small list, Steve McVey (from GraceWalk Ministries) is at the top of the list.  You’ve seen me quote Steve on occassion, but today I am doing something completely out-of-the ordinary.  I am reposting an entire post from his popular blog.  It speaks […]


Review of Rob Bell’s “Love Wins”

“I have written this book for all those, everywhere, who have heard some version of the Jesus story that caused their pulse rate to rise, their stomachs to churn, and their heart to utter those resolute words, ‘I would never be a part of that.’” (Rob Bell, Love Wins, from page viii of the Preface) […]



The following is a segment of the sermon for the Second Sunday of Lent, based on John 3:1-17.  The title “Pharisee” means “the separated ones.”  Pharisees were a select group of no more than 6000 Jewish men.  They aimed to live better lives than the rest of the populace, and most of them were hitting […]


Intellectually Bankrupt

Read 1 John 5:1 – 12  It has always fascinated me that so many in the church spend a great deal of their time attempting to find scientific and historical proof to support the assertions of the Christian religion.           For example, there are dozens of religious books in the marketplace that were written with claims […]