
Transitions and Journey

Picture 016A few weeks ago we took a long trip across state to the “minister’s family retreat” we attend each summer.  It took us several days to prepare for the trip.  It took a great deal of time and effort to “get ready” for the trip. 


 We filled the gas tank.

We programmed the GPS

We packed clothing
We charged our cell-phones

We made sure we had enough cash

We loaded books and videos for the kids to be occupied in transit

We all available van space with munchies.


 We made our journey – and then got ready for the next.

 We planned our itinerary for the days in the mountains…


 Horseback riding






 Then we got ready for the next event – visiting my mother-in-law.


We repacked

We reprogrammed the GPS

We loaded more munchies


 Then we got ready for the trip home


Then we got ready to go back to work


 Now we are getting ready to move my daughter to college


 Life is simply a series of transitions. 


We are always getting ready for the next leg on our journey.


 Will we ever arrive? 


If we do, it will be a place where we don’t have to rely on God anymore! 


 Can’t imagine that there is such a place! 


God is always bigger than we are (always beyond where we are) and no matter where we find ourselves, we’ll still need to depend on God.

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