
Posts Tagged faith

Repent (Video and Manuscript, Lent 3) of Sermon Based on Luke 13:1-9

The video below is the sermon for the third Sunday of Lent (March 3rd, 2013) based on Luke 13:1-9, preached at, in Richmond, Virginia.   Just below the video, you will also find the text for the sermon (and below that, a resource that might help you explore the sermon topic in greater depth and detail. […]


Do Not Fear, Only Believe

Barbara Brown Taylor says that one of the lines in this passage (Mark 5:21-43) amount to Jesus shortest sermon.  I would suggest that they are not just his shortest sermon, but perhaps his best. Jesus says, “Do Not Fear, Only Believe!” One sentence  –  Five words  –  Two imperatives “Do not fear…”  AND “…only believe.” […]


Sarcastic Laughter

The second Sunday of Easter at the Patterson Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia features a message titled:  “Sarcastic Laughter.” The primary text is John 20:19-31 -(with the story of Thomas’ encounter with Jesus a week after the resurrection.  We also looked at the story of Abraham and Sarach and the unbelievable promise that they, late […]


Hope and Faith – two quotes from William Sloane Coffin

Two quotes from William Sloane Coffin, author of Credo: “Hope is a state of mind independent of the state of the world. If your heart’s full of hope, you can be persistent when you can’t be optimistic. You can keep the faith despite the evidence, knowing that only in so doing has the evidence any […]



by Mike Feazell As a boy I heard the story of Abraham recounted at least once a week, and it usually went something like this: “God told Abraham to go, and he went. He didn’t ask questions; he didn’t hesitate; he just packed up and left everything he knew—country, family—and went. That’s how all of […]


Faith and Hope

Throughout Advent I am sharing thoughts from Bill Coffin, author of Credo – and several other books. Bill was a prophet, pastor, and gadfly in the oinment of many. His thoughts have always challenged and inspired me. He writes: If faith puts us on the road, hope keeps us there.”


What is Faith?

Bill Coffin, on FAITH – from Credo “What is faith?  Faith is being grasped by the power of love.  Faith is recognizing that what makes God is infinate mercy, not infinate control; not power, but love unending.  Faith is recognizing that if at Christmas Jesus became like us, it was so that we might become […]


The Faith of Christ, by C. Baxter Kruger

The following article was brought to my attention by Steve McVey on his blog site.   It addresses well an issue in biblical interpretation which, when understood, takes all the responsibility for salvation (including that for faith) off of YOU and ME, and places it on the only one who could actually make it happen, namely […]


Living by Faith

Living by faith means living in response to God’s continual movements of grace.   Living by faith means that we trust Jesus to save us—to unite us with God.  Living by faith means that we allow God to unite us to one another in a new humanity—the family of God.  Living by faith means that we […]


Doubters and Skeptics Take Note

In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankel argued that the “loss of hope and courage can have a deadly effect on man.”  As a result of his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp, Frankel contended that when a person no longer possesses a motive for living, no future to look forward toward, that […]