
Why Did Jesus Come?

From my friend Steve McVey:

Jesus didn’t come into the world so that the Father would change His mind about us. Your Father has never been angry with man and Jesus came to show us that. He came to change our minds about the Father. He told story after story to show us the great love the Father has for us. The loving father in “the story of the prodigal”, the shepherd who left the ninety-nine to find the one lost sheep, the man who sold everything he owned so that he could possess the hidden treasure in the field – the list of examples could go on. Jesus wanted us to see that our Father adores us and has eternally determined to include us in His family in a way that we will be a part of “The Inner Circle” forever. Jesus was born so that we can see that our Father loves us so much that He sent the Son to find us and bring us home.

Read the rest of Steve’s Blog  about Jesus’ advent here:

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